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Obtaining a Motorcycle License in Colorado

riding a motorcycle in colorado

Do you want to ride a motorcycle in Colorado? You’re probably envisioning rides through the unparalleled beauty of the Rockies, wind in your hair, a leather jacket hanging from your shoulders, and the cool, crisp wind hitting your face. 

“Motorcycling is a joy because it requires people to stay focused and 100% present because it gives them a sense of freedom and aliveness in being focused on the moment,” said T3RG Motorcycle Schools Founder Colleen Boyle. “But the bottom line for new riders and seasoned riders as well is to receive training, practice the skills you’re introduced to, and stay focused on what you’re doing on the motorcycle.” 

Experienced motorcyclist and experienced teacher Boyle’s three points are essential learning for anyone seeking a Colorado license for motorcycles. The Colorado DMV requires that all riders have a valid Class M license endorsement on existing drivers licenses. Let’s break down her points and guide you to the path of a safe, exciting life as a motorcycle rider. 

1. Receive Training From Driver’s Ed Programs in Colorado

There are dozens of accredited motorcycle driver’s ed programs in Colorado that provide the DMV-mandated training to help you pass the written and skills tests secure your Colorado license.

“If you are a new rider, there is a lot more to focus on, which is why when people are riding a motorcycle for the first or second time it is a good idea to stop and go through the fundamentals,” Boyle advises. “Check tires, controls, and make sure the machine is in working order. Then once you start riding, you really need to focus.”

2. Practice Skills

It isn’t enough to receive your training and get on the road. Riding motorcycles is a skill and a sport. Boyle stresses, “Doing it once or twice, or five times in a course is not going to satisfy the requirement for muscle memory and ability. Once you have the mechanics down, then you can focus on the road. If you have to think about mechanics, then you are distracted.”

In order to keep yourself safe on the road and to ensure the safety of fellow motorists, Boyle advises that you practice, practice, practice. 

3. Stay Focused

Once you study for your written exam and embark on your road exam, the only way you will pass and proceed safely is through focus. Motorcyclists have to be aware of their surroundings, ready for anything, and in complete control of their bikes at all times. Boyle says, “For a rider to be effective they need to be conscious of what they are doing on the bike. Their mind can’t wander.”

In contrast to how many drivers get distracted by cellphone use, passengers, controlling the radio, and at times other motorists, motorcyclists cannot afford distractions. It can cost them their life or the lives of others. That is why such emphasis is put on practice, focus, and commitment to safety in the motorcycle world. 

If you are seeking a motorcycle endorsement on your Colorado license, remember Boyle’s three principles: training, skills, and focus, and you will surely have success and fun on the road.

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