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Tips for Cutting Costs on Auto Insurance

Over the past two weeks of Car Insurance 101, we have discussed how to choose the best car insurance for the first-time driver and how to pick out a car . Now that we’ve talked about how to spend money, it’s time to talk about how to save money.

Car Insurance 101 Infographic, laying out ways to save money on car insurance for first-time drivers (and others).

Want to save on car insurance? Sure, we all do! No worries: Car Insurance 101 has got you covered!


Auto insurance companies offer all kinds of ways to save on car insurance. These are just a few of the most popular and common discounts you might be eligible for when purchasing car insurance.

The easiest way to save money when purchasing car insurance is to get added onto your parents’ auto insurance. This can cost much less than getting your own policy.

If you are part of a multi-car household, it may be cheaper to get insured on one car instead of another one, for example if your family owns a pick-up truck and a sports car, get insured on the truck, because this will cost far less.

If you are going to be going off to college, some insurers offer special rates for college students who leave their cars at home or who attend a school more than 75 miles away.

There are a few types of discounts which are only available to students as well. These include what is usually referred to as a “good student discount.” The definition of “good student” can vary between companies, but it most often means that if you are under 25 and a full-time student and you maintain at least a B (3.0) average or are on the Honor Roll or Dean’s List, then you can get a discount. Some insurance companies also have similar discounts for students in ROTC, BSA Eagle Scouts, and GSA Gold Award holders.

These are just a few of the ways to save money when purchasing car insurance for the first-time driver. Be sure to ask your insurer about the discounts they offer to make sure that you can save as much as possible. Gasoline isn’t going to buy itself, after all! And if you don’t get the answers you like from your insurer, you can always shop around and even get a free quote .

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